what is google custom search engine.

What is Google Custom Search Engine.

Hello everyone so today we are talking about GCSE(Google Custom Search Engine).what is GCSE ,how does it works and how can you use it for your site.so without wasting Time Let's get Started.

what is GCSE.

GCSE stands for Google custom Search engine.

if you have blog or website with large amount of data you can use google custom search engine.

want to make search engine for your site? here is a way.
through which you can make search engine for your site by using this users 
who are visiting your site can easily search for the articles that are available in your site.

  • who should enable GCSE.

if you having site related to articles or having site which has posts related to technology.
  • why you should use GCSE?

if you use GCSE users that are comming on your can easily search for the particular article OR for the Particular post easily.

  • how to enable GCSE On blogger.
here is a simple steps to enable GCSE on your site.

   Step #1:

  •   search for google Custom search engine (GCSE).
  •    you will get following interface.

google custom Search
click on first link: or here

  Step #2:
  •     click on Get Started Button.
getting started
   Step #3:
  •    you will get following interface.
getting started

  • there add your site name (eg. www.mradvancetechnical.gq).
  • set name of your search engine.
  • click on Create.

you will get following interface.
getting started
here you can set style for your search engine that in which style it should be displayed.

  Step #4:
  • now click on get code.
  • you will get a code which you have to paste inside your blog.
  • code will be look like this just copy from there.

   Step #5:
  • now goto blogger there click on dashboard->layout 
  • there you will get all gadgets that are set on your site.
  • you can add it at any part of blog here we are adding it on sidebar.

click on add gadgets inside sidebar section.

now a new pop up will be displayed there select html/javascript template.

  • now you will get following interface.
  • there add the code which you have copied from that site.
add title and then save it.
everything done. now check on your site.
click on search icon.

So that's it for Today guys.

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Thank you.

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