change your ip without using vpn for surfing purpose.

change your ip without using vpn for surfing purpose.

Hello. so today we are talking about how to change ip address without using vpn for surfing purpose. 

  • why you should change ip address.

to search anonymously on the web. by  changing ip address you can search the content on the web without identifying yourself.
you can hide your real ip.

  •  how to change ip without vpn on the web.

to change the ip address for temporary.
just open your browser and search for the "newipnow" on your search engine. you will get the following interface and now goto first link.

and now select the ip  which you want to use for surfing or searching on the web.

after selecting the ip you will get the following interface.

now you can search anonymously.
but we Recommended that don't fill your personal details here.

NOTE: this trick is only for education purpose. and we are not responsible for any activity which is done by you or any other person using this trick. so use it carefully. 

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